Blue Giant Supreme

Blue Giant Supreme Ongoing

Genres: Manga

After leaving his mark on Japan, Dai is taking on Europe!Direct continuation of Blue Giant, a manga about the evolution of the young saxophonist Dai Miyamoto in the jazz world. Blue Giant Supreme sees our protagonist travel to Europe. Having just arrived in Munich, without being able to speak a word of German and with just average English, he manages to secure a roof over his head, food and drink, but struggles to get the most important thing: a place where he can have his music heard. A whole new element added on top of the enthralling story that enchants every music lover: the discovery of a new culture. Dai will travel all over Europe, from Germany to France, accompanied by his instrument, growing as a musician and a person in the process of fulfilling his dream of becoming the best in the world."

Last Chapter: Chapter 41 Time After Time

Recent Chapters
